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Category: happiness

Last Year’s Christmas Money

There’s something you need to know about me. I NEVER make impulse buys. I like to think on certain purchases for quite awhile before I hesitantly hand over my debit card. Even today, I told Hubster that I didn’t appreciate being bullied into going out to eat. He said, “That’s the only way I can even get you to go out.” And he had to give me the weekend to contemplate changing internet/cable providers. I just like to weigh the importance of things and make sure I’m not making rash decisions.

So, remember when I told you Hubster and I had a laugh about how he’d be through his Christmas money before New Year’s, and I’d have mine gone by June? Well, close… Mine was gone in August. Ha!

three-in-one record player, Crosley Record Player

But the wait was sooo worth it. Meet my new favorite “gadget,” my 3-in-one Crosley CD player/record player/radio. I’ve been wanting a record player for years. I had a thrifted one in college, but a friend “borrowed” it for forever and returned it in “not working” condition. Forgive, forget, buy a new one. A beautiful one that totally goes with the antique chest it’s displayed on.

Oh yes!

Peanut and Hubster even got a little involved. Hubster chose a few Dean Martin and Christmas records at a rummage sale and Peanut dances to Rolling Stones with me.

New record player, My new record player and collection
Oh, stash of dust-collecting vinyls, how I’ve missed you.

Records, My record collection

My other “Christmas” in August purchases? A Bon Iver record, Feist CD, Noah and the Whale CD, Exercise and Nutrition textbook (geek alert), pretty washi tape, and my very own copy of Born to Run. Could this get any better?

Do you still get “Christmas money?” And what do you usually buy with it? This is the only time I allow myself to buy superfluously. Of course there are always things around the house that take precedence, but special money doesn’t count, right?

Make Each Day Lovelier

Why would you walk around empty-handed when you can carry around one of these?


Let me introduce you to my new favorite happiness tool: Finger Bouquets. There really is no reason why we shouldn’t always carry flowers between our fingers, if we can. If we can make our days brighter by simply snapping off a few stems along the railroad tracks, why not do it? I think making each day a little lovelier makes sense, don’t you? It’s inspirational. I mean, there really is no substitution for being able to take a whiff of natural fragrance on a whim anyway.

This yellow-and-white-themed pinch bouquet was created as my family and I took a walk down a local trail. The flowers grow in droves along the path, so I decided to take advantage of Mother Nature. I was honestly amazed at the varieties of yellow and white that I managed to pick up. There are at least 10 different flowers (weeds?) in my hand. That makes me *sigh*.

Now if you see me carrying around a fistful of flowers on my lunch break, you’ll know what I’m doing.

Rummage Saling Adventures

Recently, we had a truly memorable rummage saling experience. None of us was feeling it that day. I had a $10 bill in my pocket to find some necessities, and once that was gone, I just wanted to go home. We lost my grandfather the following day, so the day felt bittersweet in a way that’s tough for me to describe or even talk about.

I was literally down to my last quarter, but my husband insisted we stop at THE very last rummage sale (so unlike him) at the very edge of town. I’m so glad that we did. Not only did I find the coolest pair of shorts straight out of the 1960s (for a quarter!!! Ha!), but we also stumbled across a hidden gem of a farm. It was truly unusual in all the neatest ways. And I happened to have a point-and-shoot in my pocket.

We noticed some bird coops as we pulled in. While I was checking out the sale goods, my husband asked the owner if it was ok if he looked around at the animals, you know, thinking there would be typical barn animals at this farm. We found out that they raise exotic birds. Wow!

Peacocks seemed pretty run-of-the-mill next to some of these pretties.

Black Swans!!!!!

This artistic bird was having a full-on conversation with me and followed whichever direction I went. His orange eyes were piercing, but friendly. And I loved his elfin stand-up whiskers. God must’ve had fun designing each one of these gorgeous birds.

Even the pond had a surprise in store for us. We could here all the gloating, but it took a minute to spy these blender-inners. The pond was so lush and green, just like the…

Ribbits, as Peanut likes to call them.
We will definitely be scoping this place out next year when the citywide rummage sale comes around again. Here’s to hoping they’ll have a sale again next year! We were secretly hoping the owner would offer to let us drop by any time we’d like. Even though he didn’t (we’re strangers, that’s ok), he was kind enough to give us a full guided tour.

My Favorite Things Today

Sometimes, it helps amidst all the distractions, to take a step back and admire the small things that make our places special. These are a few of my favorite things today:

Marking heights on the door panel

This is one of the most charming remnants left behind by the previous occupants of our house. There are size markings up and down the entire length of the kitchen doorway. The previous family was a foster family, so the names and dates span years of family growth. We need to add our own son to this relic soon.

Quirky antique towel hanger

Even though we live in an older home, there weren’t a whole lot of pretty details characteristic of some other older homes. Except this pretty girl. She’s our towel holder inside the door of the bathroom cabinets. I just adore her!

Toddler Ink Art

Eating outside on an old vintage sheet, admiring the artwork of a busy little three-year-old: ink drawings up the complete length of both little legs. Yes, we did laugh a little, while we tsk-tsked and enjoyed our meal alfresco.

Tree full of birds nests

I have lived in the same city almost all my life and on this side of town for over 6 years. I have passed this tree countless times on family walks and commutes to work on-foot and on-bike. And apparently, I never looked up. Look at all the cute little birds nests filling the crooks and sawed-off crannies of this tree. Maybe the owners felt bad when the city removed the branches from the power lines and compensated the homeless birds, Home Makeover Bird Edition style.

What’s making you happy today?

Today I’m So Grateful for…

1. The sound of kitty snores behind me. The quiet rhythm is something you could almost meditate to, if you’re in the right mood.

2. Falling asleep next to a tiny boy, after giving his little neck a few kisses and the sound of his daddy taking him gently to his own bed and taking his place.

3. Calls from a friend who happens to be in town asking if we’d like to join her family at the park. Of course we will!

4. Remembering to add the fresh berry syrup to my oatmeal.

5. A clean oven and microwave. I almost smiled as I heated up the above oatmeal in the freshened-up microwave.

Today’s Gratitude List

A few of my favorite things:

1. Songs sung in rounds
2. First breath of air when leaving the house in the morning.
3. Being short and sitting on a seat with my legs dangling.
4. Fresh mornings when we’re more tender with one another and our inequities from the day before are washed way.
5. Air shows
6. Fresh back-to-school-like supplies
7. Family bike rides
8. Signing Peanut up for school and seeing his excitement at the thought of it.
9. Fresh ideas spinning, spinning, spinning
10. Going to bed early, waking up non-exhausted

Resolutions for Happiness

Last year I wrote a great article outlining ways to stay on top of your resolutions. I also blogged about how I don’t think resolutions need to be confined to one day of the year. I believe we can start over any day, any second of any day.

This year, I’m approaching resolutions from a “what makes me happy” standpoint. I’m going to make it a point to enrich my life this year, not trouble myself too much with where I’m falling short.

I did some, what I like to call, stream-of-consciousness journaling. I was grabbing papers out of the recycle bin and bits of fabric from the craft room floor to piece together the pages. Here is a personal peek inside the pages:

I have a terrible habit of collecting things and “saving them” for a good time. Sometimes I save them to the point that they’re outdated or no longer suit my taste. For instance, I have a whole package of 8-1/2″ x 11″ scrapbook paper from high school that I collected bit by bit. I find some of the patterns horrifying now and I’ve since graduated to the standard 12″x12″ scrapbook anyhow. I am still inclined to save beautiful fabrics for that “ideal” project and expensive face cream for the night before special parties. Instead, this year, I’m going to make a concerted effort to enjoy the things I find beautiful NOW!

I also did some season-specific pages, outlining the things that I want to do in the summer and the winter, like “perfect a Sangria recipe” in summer and “morning jump rope/stretches to get warm” in winter. My whole heart felt lighter as I was brainstorming all these things that bring me pleasure. I want to remember to indulge in these special things with each passing month. In fact, I’m so eager about them, I want to do them all today!

I even did a “Do the things I Love” page, listing my top sources of pleasure, so that I don’t forget to make space for them in my daily routine.

And I plan to do my favorite things by implementing a 10-min increment plan. You know, all those 10 minute chunks of time we let slip away each day? Well, I’m going to squirrel them away and work my hardest to bring some of my dreams to fruition. There’s a lot you can make, research about, see or sweat off in 10 minutes. Even parts of those “things I love” from the list above can be managed in 10 minutes.

I also set some fun fitness, finance and romance goals. And I have a page listing what I could be doing daily, weekly and monthly to achieve my dreams. This process is like therapy! I suggest giving it a try. In fact, “dream planning” is now on my list of weekly goals, along with picking out my weekly workouts, and checking in on the family budget. Ahhh, sounds perfect.

What are your plans for 2012?

Make the World Lovely

I believe in dining room tablecloths
I believe in hair bows and nice socks
I believe in pretty ribbons wrapped around keys on the pegboard
I believe in a feather tucked behind the ear
I believe in doodled love notes tucked inside pockets
I believe in a sparkly swipe of eyeshadow on date night
I believe in caving to that urge to jump in a puddle
I believe in tucking pretty rocks in with the books on the shelf
I believe in tucking extra treats into gift wrapping
I believe in holding hands while watching TV
I believe in spoiling a tiny boy with “campouts” every weekend because we love it too
I believe in one cupcake at midnight
I believe in dancing while you sweep
I believe in coloring inside the letters in work meetings
I believe in keeping an extra picnic blanket in the car
I believe in anything that can make life just a little prettier.

It’s not about materialism or whittling away time on meaningless things, it’s about finding and adding beauty a little here and a little there.

The Clarity of Glass

Studio: Perfume bottles & beakers 1 Image from IlluminatedPerfume

I think I’ve finally pinpointed my love of glass, crisp empty notebooks, air purifying plants, crisp white clothes (although I don’t own many because of a deep-seated fear of bleach), fresh air, lotus flowers, fresh real foods, water, icicles and so much more than I could list. I’ve even come to embrace the act of spring cleaning recently. The link would’ve been so blatant, had I compiled a list of some of my favorite things sooner.

These things resonate with my passion for purity and cleanliness, blank canvases and clarity, the wholesome and genuine. My most favorite people are not those with essences of mystery or muddied intentions, but those of trueness and openness. I enjoy the company of authentic people with clear intentions and clear consciences. I bask in tranquility. I have faith in a soul-cleansing God. I treasure honesty. I value sincerity. Following a pure and faultless path is grounds for clarity. And all the things I listed embody that sentiment.

Today’s Gratitude List

My inbox has been teeming with advice about daily gratitude lists from some of the health and fitness newsletters I subscribe to. Everything I’ve been reading lately stresses the importance of gratefulness on emotional, relational, and spiritual wellbeing. I’m taking it as a sign. Here’s a list of things I’m exceptionally grateful for today:

1. A hubby who went hog-wild and got everything on his to-do list done. Aside from that, he made some truly decadent cookies. He even worked on potty training all day. Who is this guy?

2. Sunshine has been out and even makes the car nice and cozy warm.

3. Preparing for a party on Saturday has got me cleaning nooks and crannies in my home that don’t get much attention. It actually feels quite refreshing.

4. Getting tickets for my mommy and me to see a play. I’m itching for a little theatrical diversion.

5. The truly uninhibited facial expressions a little two-year-old will make.