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Category: DIY project

Christmas Around Our House Part 2

Just give me one men’s plaid XL shirt at the thrift store, and this is what I can do with it:

1. Christmas wreath: starting at the sleeves of the shirt, I cut a bunch of fabric strips. I hot glued each piece down to my thrifted straw wreath (50 cents!!!) as I went, overlapping pieces the whole way. Then, I took three more strips and made three rolled roses. To make the red “foliage,” I cut a bunch (maybe a dozen) of squares out of some spare red fabric I had. Fold them in half once, then in half again, and glue them down. You can round the top edges to make it look softer.

Christmas wreath
2. Christmas garland: starting at the hem of the shirt, I cut long strips of fabric about 1-2 inches thick. I tied three pieces together and braided them. I connected two braids in the middle to get enough to go around the doorway. Don’t mind the little ornaments. Haha! Though I think it would be neat to hang bulbs from the garland at intervals. Hmmmm. Might try that when I get home.
Christmas garland

3. Christmas Forest: The three tall trees I thrifted a couple of years ago. Recently, I found two foam cones at the thrift store. I wrapped each in extra fabric strips from the shirt. I wound the strips around and used sewing pins to hold them down. I made the star ornaments several years back with felt and embroidery thread. I hung the last two stragglers on my trees with matching gold buttons for an extra touch.

 Christmas Forest
4. Framed Christmas Greetings: I thrifted this frame for a fun DIY photo shoot at my wine and cheese party last year. I strung two fabric strips from the back of the frame and hot glued them down. I cut out 9 total 2×2 inch squares from some green scrapbook paper I already had. Then, I stenciled in the letters. Then, I just stapled the letter squares to the fabric strips. Voila!

Merry Christmas frame

Call me the crafty thrifter, this was so much fun! I loved the project, because it formed a color theme throughout the house. The color-coordination makes all the decorations flow together. I still have a little fabric left, so I might have to drum up another project. We shall see.

DIY Baby Milestone Book



Two of my dearest friends recently brought brand new additions into their homes. For their baby showers, I designed two little books for each of them. One was a baby milestone book and the other was a letter-a-year book. I think it’s much too difficult to keep up with baby milestones in a big scrapbook or other complicated way, especially with the culture shock that a new baby adds to daily life. To make it easy for them, I made one page for each month, printed with journal lines for a quick jot. Even the most harried mommies amongst us can handle that, right? That is, if we remember…


The back of the book had a few pages to reminisce about other things, such as “Our Favorite Lullabies” and “Our Family Tree.” I also included a little envelope for the first lock of hair.




The second book was designed with one pocket for each of the child’s birthdays through age 18. And each pocket was furnished with one sheet of writing paper. The idea is to write a quick note to your child on each birthday about what the past year meant to you and to let your heart out. Then, when they’re old enough to appreciate it, you can share the stack of letters with them. I do this every year for my son, and I thought I would share this wonderful tradition with my good friends and blog readers.


For each, I bought a stack of baby-themed cardstock from Hobby Lobby. I punched a hole in the corner of each sheet and strung them through a binder clip. The stamped words throughout were made from a small set of letter stampers. I embellished the pages with a few baby-themed stickers and other ephemera, but I wanted to keep it fairly simple. I just can’t wait to see what the ladies do with them!

DIY Envelope System

I needed an envelope system for the cash I regularly carry in my purse that was:

  • Not bulky–a girl’s purse is already a shoulder breaker
  • Organized–trying to keep all the money straight isn’t easy for a girl on a budget
  • Cute–has to fit the whole aesthetic of the purse, wallet, etc.
  • Easy to grab and go

I was concerned that the prevalent cloth versions on Etsy would get bulky and beat up in a purse. I was thinking, what could I use that has multiple pockets, doesn’t bend and is super-slim? Ah-ha, a pocket picture album! Dollar bills fit in 4×6 album pages perfectly. Keeping in line with said budget, the project is also super low-cost. Even a few friends have even adopted this great idea.

Supplies: heavy-duty scissors, contact paper/adhesive drawer liner, a 4×6 picture album, embellishments, 1 standard sheet of 12×12 scrapbook paper cut into six 4×6 sheets.


1. Cut a piece of contact paper slightly smaller than the width/height of the album cover. Fold it in half about three times.

2. Cut the contact paper like those snowflakes you made as a child. You will need the heavy-duty scissors to cut through those thick layers.


3. Apply the resulting paper design to the cover. If you’ve found a vintage photo album that already has a beautiful cover, feel free to skip these first three steps!


4. Insert the scrapbook paper into six pages of the album. Feel free to use more if you need to.


5. I used some leftover scraps of contact paper and a felt-tip marker to label each envelope: EAT, DUDS, POST, ENTERTAIN, SUNDAY, and SPEND. Be sure to label the outside of the picture sleeve or your greenbacks will cover up the label and you’ll waste time trying to figure out which pocket is which.

6. Embellish as desired. I didn’t want to add any sort of money symbols to the front cover so I could keep the wallet more “covert.” I didn’t want to make it very inviting for sticky fingers.

This project is a great way to prepare for all those upcoming New Years’ Resolutions or to keep tabs on your Christmas budget. I’ve heard it said (from financial professionals) that the envelope system is one of the best methods for keeping a budget, so I’m sticking to it. When the “out to eat” money is gone, it’s gone. But hey, I feel so excited that we even have an “out to eat” category in our budget now.

Featured on the Made By You Monday link party at:

Magnet Board Makeover

I saw these at the thrift store and just had to buy them. I wasn’t sure what I’d do with them, but I was determined to do something. After all, it was 1/2-off day. And my oh my do I have a hankering for magnet boards.


So, I whipped out the Mod Podge, the scrapbook paper, a few buttons and a little ribbon and ta-da!


Before and after. Aren’t these super adorable? As much as I’d like to keep them, I believe I will sell them with the rest of the crafty goodies I’ve been cookin’ up.

