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- 40 min LiveFit legs in the AM
- 25 min incline interval run in the AM
- 30 min LiveFit back and biceps in the AM
- 25 min moderate walk at lunch
- 35 min LiveFit chest and triceps in the AM
- 30 min moderate walk at lunch
- 40 min LiveFit legs in the AM
- 30 min moderate walk at lunch
- 30 min LiveFit shoulders and abs in the AM
- 25 min run at lunch, 2 miles
- Active rest (jet skiing)
- Rest
Our jet skiing adventure on Saturday worked out my lung muscles more than anything. Hubster is quite the beast on a toy like that, and I swear, the screaming that I did was completely instinctive and unintentional. When you feel like you’re going to flip, you just scream. And I was flipped off three times at lower speeds, so the worry was not unfounded. Oh boys! Peanut was even braver than I was, laughing through the scariest moves. I was just happy to be dropped off at a public sandy beach while the boys went crazy.
Other than that, not much to report this week. I haven’t yet seen the results on the LiveFit plan that I’m sure will come, especially with the addition of cardio again. I have lost a few inches, but the scale seems to be creeping up, which can only mean that I am gaining muscle, and I’m happy about that. I’ll keep you posted!