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Make Your Own Sunshine Poem

Last week, I talked about how healing the sun is and I promised that there would be a poem about how much I am drawn to the sun. Here it is, in pinnable form:

Sun Spots Poem by Jessica Collins Flashfit Trainer

Like I pointed out in my sunshine post, I am just drawn to the sunlight. I long to be outside in it, when it’s warm. In fact, this past Saturday, when the weather was stunning for a Wisconsin winter day in March, I rolled a picnic blanket out on our deck and took a nap in the sun. Rayna was napping and Kayne was gone fishing, so it was the perfect opportunity to spend some alone time in the sun. I gravitate toward sunny windows and run around opening all the blinds that anyone closes in our house. This poem encapsulates that feeling for me. Hope you like it!

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