Build your freelance writing business from scratch and earn up to $3k per month while still at your 9-to-5!
(or really, your 7:30-6)
These mini freelance writing courses teach you every little thing about freelancing from:
- How to create your first high-powered writing sample
- How to write a lead-generating About Page for your freelance writer’s website
and every little process in between.
Whether you’re just toying with the idea of starting a freelance gig “on the side”
You’re actively freelancing already and are serious about achieving better results with your business…
(or you’re just curious if you’re “doing it right”)
You will find a detailed mini course to walk you through every single step.
If you want access to this entire library of materials,
And save by getting the entire package instead of piece-by-piece…
*Please note, the course links below will take you to PayHip, our trusted course provider.
You will fail at business if you don’t have the right mindset. Galvanize your drive for success with this Mindset Mini Course.
Dream about writing about subjects that light your soul? Use our workbook to help you pinpoint your sweet spot with this Niche Mini Course.
Create some damn fine writing samples from scratch (by tonight!) that make prospects want to work with you: get your Writing Samples Mini Course.
Your portfolio is your resume, your business storefront. Put together an impressive digital portfolio-it’s easy! Grab the Portfolio Building Mini Course.
Create the mother of all writing samples by getting a byline in a major publication. It’s not as hard as you’d think! Here’s how.
Learn some uncomplicated SEO tricks that can get your freelance writer’s website ranked on the first page of Google. Grab the SEO for Your Freelance Writer’s Website mini course.
You’ll never need to search for places to find freelance clients again with this massive resource. Get your Ultimate Guide to Finding Freelance Clients here.
Wondering how to write effective cold emails? I’m giving away the exact cold pitches that earned me clients so you can swipe them. Get the Motherlode Winning Pitch Swipe File.
Okay, so what makes a cold pitch really effective? Learn the 7-part system that works every time in Anatomy of a Winning Cold Pitch mini course.
Some prospects still ask for a resume, even though you’re used to using a portfolio. Learn how to translate your portfolio into a winning resume in the Freelance Resume Mini Course.
You cannot begin a client writing project without asking the right questions. Get the questions right in my own personal Client Questionnaire file.
Create a smooth process that takes your clients from initial contact to a paid project with the Freelance Client Onboarding mini course.
Learn how to write a lead-generating about page for your website with this Writer’s About Page Mini Course (yes, you can use these principles for your clients’ about pages too!)
Change your life in just one hour per day by building a business and plotting your exit from cubicle-land.