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How to Stay Fit on Vacation

Our family has taken several trips this past summer, including one that was an entire week long. Like almost every trip I take, I never put my health and fitness on vacation. No, it’s not because I’m crazy; it’s because it makes me a better, healthier person. Keeping up my running habit not only energizes me for a day of sightseeing, it also keeps me centered and happy.

How to Stay Fit and Active on Vacation
1. Bring a few supplies: and by supplies, I mean as simple as sneakers, workout clothes, a jump rope and resistance tubing. I don’t want you to haul all your dumbbells and fancy schmancy equipment along. Keep it simple and packable. If you’re bringing resistance tubing, you’ll want to find some easy resistance workouts that you can do anywhere. For cardio, a good pair of running shoes and/or a $1 jump rope is all you need to get in a good sweat session. You can even add 1 minute of jump roping between each resistance tube move to knock strength and cardio out at the same time.
2. Get up early: and by early, I mean earlier than 10am. No need to get up at 5am like you do at home (unless you want to), but earlier than your travel companions. Then, sneak in a workout before you even get started with your day. It will be much easier to tackle if you get it out of the way first. You won’t want to go for a run after a long day of sightseeing. Knock it out right away and feel that great feeling all day!
3. Scout out the trails, running routes and hotel equipment. Although hotel equipment can be pretty unpredictable (every treadmill is “out of order”), it can be a great option when it’s storming or cold outside. Many hotels nowadays have a workout room at your disposal. Do some research beforehand to find out what’s available and check customer comments about the conditions of the equipment. Even if you don’t have equipment at your disposal, you can always run outside. Use the user-created running routes on Map My Run to see where the locals are kicking up dust. Or check out American Trails to locate nature trails in your vicinity. I found a running trail when we were staying in Port Washington that now is part of one of my most cherished memories ever. I saw two deer and shared the magic of lightning bugs with my son for the first time ever. It was beautiful.
4. Build active activities into your itinerary. Obviously, Mackinac Island is navigable by foot, bike or horse only. We did a ton of walking out of necessity, just like on our Crivitz trip last year where we walked miles of trails to see all the waterfalls. But we also like to kayak, hike, swim, snorkel, and so many other active things. We naturally build many of these things into our vacation days. Take a walking tour, rent a bike, take para-sailing lessons, swim in the local lakes, just get out there! Vacations should naturally have an element of fitness to them already, so take advantage.
5. Eat out only once or twice. In a previous post, I discussed travelling on a budget. One way our family does that is by bringing or buying most of our food from local grocery stores. Not only do we save cash this way, but we also save our waistlines. It is much healthier to eat this way. Yes, splurge while you’re away from home, but only a few times, not for every single meal. Keep healthy snacks like bananas, trail mix and dry cereal with you everywhere you go so you’re less likely to binge when you’re suddenly stricken by severe hunger between meals.
6. Use what you have: in the Resources section below, I offer a link to a hotel room workout. It’s possible to get a sufficient workout in with only a chair, a wall, a stick and/or your body weight. Put together or search for a workout before you leave that involves the “equipment” that you have available to you. There is no shortage of workouts tailored to these types of conditions.
7. Borrow your kid’s portable DVD player: Peanut has a DVD player that I used in Chicago to do the Tracy Anderson workout that I picked up there. All I needed to work out was a chair! This is one super portable way to bring your home fitness DVD collection to good use out on the road. If you’re lucky enough to have a DVD player in your hotel room or cabin, you could trim even more from your luggage. If you’re bringing your laptop and it can play videos, you have yet another option.
Taking in sites on-foot is one of the best ways to navigate your destination. When you run through local parts of town, you will see parts of the city that you never would’ve noticed in a car. In Mackinaw City, I found some neat footpaths, took in gorgeous sunrises and learned the layout of the land much better during my runs. The trail below is one such path that I discovered while running. The city workers use it to get to their day jobs, but it made for such an amazing scenic running route. Peanut even went for a “run” with me on this trail. We had to stop a lot to track chipmunks;) Another beautiful memory.
It’s hard to resist views like this on a run (Lake Huron, Mackinaw City):
I hope that these tips have made it easier for you to fit in fitness out on the road. It definitely is more than possible! Once you can find ways to eliminate the excuses for exercising, you can stay fit for life.
A few resources:
  1. I did this killer workout on YouTube while staying in Mackinaw City, MI. We brought our Google Nexus tablet and had free Wifi, so it worked out pretty swell. You could just do a search for “hotel room workouts,” and get thousands of hits like this.
  2. I always use the Runkeeper app to track my outdoor runs, including time, pace and distance.
  3. I also use the Spotify app while I’m running to listen to tunes, if I’m not surrounded by the lovely sound of waves and birds.
  4. Rubber tubing routines abound on the internet if you do some searching, like this great do-anwhere routine. I also like this Chady Dunmore one from a recent issue of Fitness RX. If the bodybuilders are using it, then it must be good, right?

Weekly Workout Rundown

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  • 30 min LiveFit chest and abs in the AM
  • 30 min AM run, 2.22 miles
  • 20 min casual walk at lunch with mom


  • 30 min LiveFit arms and abs in the AM
  • 30 min AM run, 2.4 miles

  • 20 min LiveFit shoulders
  • 30 min AM run, 2.45 mi
  • 15 min FlashFit workout at lunch

  • 90 min LiveFit legs, triceps and abs

  • Rest

On weekday mornings, I only have a set amount of time that I can dedicate to my workouts. When 6:45 rolls around, I have to hit the shower or Peanut will be late for school. That’s my cut-off and there’s no compromising it. So what happens when I hit snooze an extra time and don’t complete a full workout? I save the moves for a day when I have more time or for after work. This happened on Thursday. I didn’t get to my triceps and abs, so I did them on Saturday with legs. It worked out pretty well because my arms weren’t too tired by Saturday. Plus, I had time to spare on some really good stretching and self myofascial release while watching the amazing Veria channel.
I can’t even tell you how sweet it is that I can run again!!! I betcha in heaven, there will be running involved. I feel like myself again, only a bit stronger version of myself since starting the LiveFit series. I play little games with myself, trying to eek out just a little extra mileage every day in my 30 minute runs. I always warm up and cool down for three minutes each, so I try to play with that other 24 minutes. I’m nearly halfway through Phase 2 and can’t wait to see what Phase 3 does to me when HIIT runs and hypertrophy training are involved. I can already notice a difference in my strength level. I was pulling down our garage door a few days ago, and it felt like such a smooth simple move that I even had to stop and make sure nothing was wrong. Ha! Nothing was wrong…with my muscles!
I found a pull-up bar at a local second-hand sporting good store, so I can finally perform a real pull-up. I was modifying my workout at home by just doing extra pull-downs with my stretch tubing. Then, whenever I took Peanut to the park, I would practice pull-ups on the monkey bars. Now I can do the workout properly. The only door frame that the pull-up bar fits around is Peanut’s door though, so I have to wait until he’s awake to eke those bad boys out, one measly pull-up at a time. I’m loving the convenience of the bar though. I’m planning a full post on how to do some of the LiveFit moves at home, since it seems to be a recurring question. You can be really clever and resourceful and do all the moves just fine at home. I’ll show you how soon.
Going strong so far! See you next week.

Weekly Workout Rundown

 photo 0e340d3e-62ba-4e55-9f4a-7258f16cd99a_zps3484b587.jpg


  • 30 min LiveFit chest and abs in the AM
  • 30 min AM run, 2.22 miles
  • 20 min casual walk at lunch with mom


  • 30 min LiveFit arms and abs in the AM
  • 30 min AM run, 2.4 miles

  • 20 min LiveFit shoulders
  • 30 min AM run, 2.45 mi
  • 15 min FlashFit workout at lunch

  • 90 min LiveFit legs, triceps and abs

  • Rest

On weekday mornings, I only have a set amount of time that I can dedicate to my workouts. When 6:45 rolls around, I have to hit the shower or Peanut will be late for school. That’s my cut-off and there’s no compromising it. So what happens when I hit snooze an extra time and don’t complete a full workout? I save the moves for a day when I have more time or for after work. This happened on Thursday. I didn’t get to my triceps and abs, so I did them on Saturday with legs. It worked out pretty well because my arms weren’t too tired by Saturday. Plus, I had time to spare on some really good stretching and self myofascial release while watching the amazing Veria channel.
I can’t even tell you how sweet it is that I can run again!!! I betcha in heaven, there will be running involved. I feel like myself again, only a bit stronger version of myself since starting the LiveFit series. I play little games with myself, trying to eek out just a little extra mileage every day in my 30 minute runs. I always warm up and cool down for three minutes each, so I try to play with that other 24 minutes. I’m nearly halfway through Phase 2 and can’t wait to see what Phase 3 does to me when HIIT runs and hypertrophy training are involved. I can already notice a difference in my strength level. I was pulling down our garage door a few days ago, and it felt like such a smooth simple move that I even had to stop and make sure nothing was wrong. Ha! Nothing was wrong…with my muscles!
I found a pull-up bar at a local second-hand sporting good store, so I can finally perform a real pull-up. I was modifying my workout at home by just doing extra pull-downs with my stretch tubing. Then, whenever I took Peanut to the park, I would practice pull-ups on the monkey bars. Now I can do the workout properly. The only door frame that the pull-up bar fits around is Peanut’s door though, so I have to wait until he’s awake to eke those bad boys out, one measly pull-up at a time. I’m loving the convenience of the bar though. I’m planning a full post on how to do some of the LiveFit moves at home, since it seems to be a recurring question. You can be really clever and resourceful and do all the moves just fine at home. I’ll show you how soon.
Going strong so far! See you next week.

Broomstick Full-Body Workout #2

Here is your third and final installment in my broomstick workout series. It is another full-body circuit that hits every major muscle group. You can also turn this into more of an interval workout, which I explain below. Or, combine the two stick workouts on days when you have more time for a real scorcher.

If you missed them, check out the other parts of this fitness series:
1. Workout stick DIY
2. Full-body broomstick stretch workout
3. Full-body workout #1

  1. Stir the pot: (a) Kneel with the stick out in front of you. (b) Push the stick out and around in a circle pattern, leaning your torso into it with control. Do 12 clockwise rotations and 12 counterclockwise rotations.
  2. Reverse crunch with curl: (a) On your back, legs up in tabletop, (b) perform a reverse crunch and bicep curl at the same time. Do 15-20 crunches.
  3. Curtsy lunge: (a) Stand with right knee and arms raised out in front of you. (b) Bring right foot back behind you and to the left into a lunge. Return to knee-up position. Do 12 reps per leg.
  4. Shoulder rotation: (a) Hold stick in right hand out to side, palm facing forward. (b) Rotate arm and stick until palm faces backward. Perform 25 reps per arm. You should really feel this one!
  5. Stick jacks: Perform 15 regular jumping jack with the stick in your hands.
  6. Inner thigh sweep: Stand on mat, holding stick vertical near the right thigh. Sweep the right leg across the body to the left, kicking the stick up with your foot. Perform 12 reps per leg.
  7. Deep squats: Holding the stick in front of you for balance, feet shoulder’s width apart, drop your butt down into a deep squat. Return to standing, squeezing your glutes as you come up. Do 15 squats.
  8. V-step: With your stick laying vertically on the ground, perform a V-step, stepping over the stick. Feel free to put a little jump into your step:)

Remember to do a good stretch after this workout. You can even use your stick to do so with my Broomstick Stretch Workout. To turn this workout into even more of a fat burner, you can pull out the Stick Jacks and perform 25 of them in between each strength move.
I hope this workout series has inspired you to work out a little differently. You can get quite an effective workout using simple household objects, or even just your own body weight.
I will continue adding FlashFit workouts and other series as I design them, so I hope this is the third workout in a long series to come! 
For more free workouts, sign up for updates in my sidebar. Either sign up by email, through Bloglovin’ or through Feedly (or another feed burner).
Disclaimer: I am an NASM-certified personal trainer, however I cannot be with you in person to assess, check your form or guide you, so please remember that these workouts are done at your own risk. As always, check with your doctor before beginning this or any other exercise program and always honor your body’s abilities and limitations.

Broomstick Full-Body Workout #2

Here is your third and final installment in my broomstick workout series. It is another full-body circuit that hits every major muscle group. You can also turn this into more of an interval workout, which I explain below. Or, combine the two stick workouts on days when you have more time for a real scorcher.

If you missed them, check out the other parts of this fitness series:
1. Workout stick DIY
2. Full-body broomstick stretch workout
3. Full-body workout #1

  1. Stir the pot: (a) Kneel with the stick out in front of you. (b) Push the stick out and around in a circle pattern, leaning your torso into it with control. Do 12 clockwise rotations and 12 counterclockwise rotations.
  2. Reverse crunch with curl: (a) On your back, legs up in tabletop, (b) perform a reverse crunch and bicep curl at the same time. Do 15-20 crunches.
  3. Curtsy lunge: (a) Stand with right knee and arms raised out in front of you. (b) Bring right foot back behind you and to the left into a lunge. Return to knee-up position. Do 12 reps per leg.
  4. Shoulder rotation: (a) Hold stick in right hand out to side, palm facing forward. (b) Rotate arm and stick until palm faces backward. Perform 25 reps per arm. You should really feel this one!
  5. Stick jacks: Perform 15 regular jumping jack with the stick in your hands.
  6. Inner thigh sweep: Stand on mat, holding stick vertical near the right thigh. Sweep the right leg across the body to the left, kicking the stick up with your foot. Perform 12 reps per leg.
  7. Deep squats: Holding the stick in front of you for balance, feet shoulder’s width apart, drop your butt down into a deep squat. Return to standing, squeezing your glutes as you come up. Do 15 squats.
  8. V-step: With your stick laying vertically on the ground, perform a V-step, stepping over the stick. Feel free to put a little jump into your step:)

Remember to do a good stretch after this workout. You can even use your stick to do so with my Broomstick Stretch Workout. To turn this workout into even more of a fat burner, you can pull out the Stick Jacks and perform 25 of them in between each strength move.
I hope this workout series has inspired you to work out a little differently. You can get quite an effective workout using simple household objects, or even just your own body weight.
I will continue adding FlashFit workouts and other series as I design them, so I hope this is the third workout in a long series to come! 
For more free workouts, sign up for updates in my sidebar. Either sign up by email, through Bloglovin’ or through Feedly (or another feed burner).
Disclaimer: I am an NASM-certified personal trainer, however I cannot be with you in person to assess, check your form or guide you, so please remember that these workouts are done at your own risk. As always, check with your doctor before beginning this or any other exercise program and always honor your body’s abilities and limitations.

Weekly Workout Rundown

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  • 40 min LiveFit legs in the AM
  • 25 min incline interval run in the AM
  • 30 min LiveFit back and biceps in the AM
  • 25 min moderate walk at lunch
  • 35 min LiveFit chest and triceps in the AM
  • 30 min moderate walk at lunch
  • 40 min LiveFit legs in the AM
  • 30 min moderate walk at lunch
  • 30 min LiveFit shoulders and abs in the AM
  • 25 min run at lunch, 2 miles

  • Active rest (jet skiing)

  • Rest

I am now 1/3 of the way through the LiveFit series, entering Phase 2. Even though I threw a few runs in during the past four weeks, I am excited to get back into my full-on running habit in Phase 2. I finally get to run 4 days per week! The younger me never thought the older me would be making such a statement, ha. This morning was the first allowable run and it felt great!

Our jet skiing adventure on Saturday worked out my lung muscles more than anything. Hubster is quite the beast on a toy like that, and I swear, the screaming that I did was completely instinctive and unintentional. When you feel like you’re going to flip, you just scream. And I was flipped off three times at lower speeds, so the worry was not unfounded. Oh boys! Peanut was even braver than I was, laughing through the scariest moves. I was just happy to be dropped off at a public sandy beach while the boys went crazy.

Other than that, not much to report this week. I haven’t yet seen the results on the LiveFit plan that I’m sure will come, especially with the addition of cardio again. I have lost a few inches, but the scale seems to be creeping up, which can only mean that I am gaining muscle, and I’m happy about that. I’ll keep you posted!

Jillian Michaels Hard Body Review

I was killing some time at a two-story Target in Chicago, waiting for Hubster to pick me up after my NASM workshop. I perused the workout section and was a little hesitant to pick up this video. I have three of Jillian’s videos already, and sometimes they can be a bit repetitive. But it was only $10, so what difference does it really make, right? Plus, Hubster had bought himself something from me for our anniversary, so I decided to buy something for myself from him. Old married people, I tell ya. I put this DVD and Tracy Anderson’s Mat Workout (the only thing related to her that sells for $10!) in my cart. I have to say I’m pretty happy about this purchase, because Jillian really mixes things up in this series.

Let’s break this down:

The video consists of two levels, 45 minutes each.
These were my stats for Level One:
Heart Rate: I averaged 130bpm and stayed inside my target heart rate zone for 21 minutes.
Calories: 527 (based on my body weight, exertion level and heart rate)
  • In each circuit, there are three versions of most of the moves. One model shows the basic move, one model shows the intermediate move, and Jillian sometimes chooses one model to take it up to the advanced level. Given the three levels of the moves within the two levels of the workout, there is plenty of room for growth.
  • The moves are mostly compound moves, hitting multiple muscle groups at once. For instance, there’s one move where you perform a sumo squat with a calf raise and shoulder press for a total-body hit. You get a really effective workout in a short-ish amount of time because you’re targeting more at once. I never once felt like I wasn’t getting anything out of a move.
  • Like the back panel states, Jillian finally uses some fresh new moves, even some that I’ve never seen before. Such a relief! This coming from a person who gets bored with workouts quite quickly.
  • Jillian is always great about giving proper exercise form cues. She stops to point out different aspects of the exercise on her models, which is really helpful especially when working out at home.

  • The only drawback I really saw with this video is the scant amount of stretching at the end of the workout. I would suggest doing quite a few more stretches after these workouts, holding each stretch for at least 30 seconds. 
  • I would also be hesitant to suggest this video for beginners. You can modify most of the moves, but it might be a bit too much for someone who is just dipping their foot in the fitness-spiked water. Something like Barefoot Cardio would be a much better option for a beginner.

Bottom line: If the 30 Day Shred feels tough to you, this will feel tougher.
My favorite motivational sentiment from Jillian in this video is her encouragement to dig deep, to think about what you’re doing this all for. She says to think about why you’re here and let that motivate you. It really is important to reflect on that to keep your athletic spirit from waning. 

Thanks Hubster for the Anniversary gift. You’re the best:)

Tracy Anderson’s mat workout is up next. I hope to share a post about that too, just as soon as I can.

*This post is based only on my opinions and results. I was in no way compensated for this post, I just thought it was a great DVD to share.

Broomstick Full-Body Workout #1

As promised, here is your broomstick workout for the week, a full-body regimen that hits all the right spots.

Print or pin the poster and use the description below to follow along.

  1. V-sit with twist: (a) Sit on your mat with knees bent and lean backwards, back straight, until your torso is at about a 45 degree angle. Hold the stick out in front of you. (b) Twisting your torso from side to side, touch the ends of the stick down to the ground. Alternate sides, 15 reps per side.
  2. Quad squeeze with triceps raise: (a) Kneeling on your mat, hold your workout stick behind your back, palms facing away from the body. (b) Lean your whole body back, feeling a squeeze in the front of your thighs, trying to maintain that straight line from head to knees. At the same time, use your triceps to push the stick out behind you. Return to start. Do 12 reps.
  3. Side lunge with side lean: (a) Stand facing forward. Step right foot out to side and press into a side lunge, keeping knees in line with the toes. (b) Once in the side lunge, lift your stick over your head and lean over to the right. Return to start. Do 12 reps per leg.
  4. Rear lunge with a twist: Stand facing forward. Step right foot behind you and lower into a rear lunge, both knees at right angles. As you lower into the lunge, twist your torso and stick over the bent left knee. Return to standing. Do 12 reps per leg.
  5. Ab V-reach: (a) Lie on your back and extend your legs straight up. Separate legs so they form a “V.” (b) Hold your workout stick over your body and lift your shoulders off the ground, using your abs to reach the stick toward your toes. Lower and repeat 15 times.
  6. Knee crackin’: (a) Stand facing forward, arms holding the stick straight up in the air. (b) Bring your knee up toward your chest as you bring the stick toward your knee. Alternate sides quickly, doing 20 reps per side.
  7. Hop-overs: Place your stick on the ground and stand next to it. (a) Quickly hop over the stick, landing on one foot. (b) Then, hop over to the other side, landing on the other foot. Perform 1 minute as quickly as possible.
  8. Superman Raises: Lying on your belly, hold the stick in your hands behind you, palms facing away from your body. (b) Lift your arms up behind you as you lift your torso. Try not to hyper-extend your back. (a) Lower to a few inches above the floor and repeat 12 times.

To make this workout even more of a fat burner, do one minute of hop-overs between each move. Repeat the whole circuit once or twice, depending on your ability and time. Don’t forget to stretch afterwards. You can even make your very own DIY workout stick to follow along.

Check back here next week for my third installment of broomstick workouts. It will be another full-body circuit.

Disclaimer: I am an NASM-certified personal trainer, however I cannot be with you in person to assess, check your form and guide you, so please remember that these workouts are done at your own risk. As always, check with your doctor before beginning this or any other exercise program and always honor your body’s abilities and limitations.

Weekly Workout Rundown: LiveFit Week 3

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  • 30 min AM LiveFit Legs
  • 40 min AM LiveFit Chest and Triceps
  • 40 min AM LiveFit Legs
  • 30 min casual walk at lunch
  • 15 min Tough Mudder boot camp at lunch
  • 40 min LiveFit Shoulders and Abs after work
  • 30 min run after work
  • 1 hr Crossfit class (10 min warmup/cooldown, 12 min WOD)
  • Does 6 hours of pushing Hubster in a wheelchair through the Milwaukee County Zoo count? I say it does. Holy sweaty!
I tried a CrossFit class for the first time on Saturday. Our new local studio offers free community classes so you can try before you buy. I’ve read a lot about Crossfit, but never actually tried it, and I thought it would be good for a personal trainer like myself to try out. I had a great time! Our instructors were very passionate and knowledgeable about Crossfit and nutrition. By the end of our 14-minute WOD (workout of the day), I was super sweaty, shaking, and exhilarated. My favorite kind of feeling! Seriously, 14 minutes to torched! We did three rounds of the moves, four minutes on and one minute of rest. We did AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of 15 kettle bell swings, 10 air squats and 5 burpees, oh my. It was even fun to be able to chalk my hands and write on the floor, all hardcore-like.

I am going strong, beginning week four of the LiveFit Series this week. By today, I am already through legs, back and biceps, with a little off-program running thrown in. I should admit that I don’t do as well with eating on the weekends as I would like. Prepping food for 5 days is quite the chore. Prepping for 7…ugh! Plus, most food doesn’t keep in the fridge for that long. Double plus, it was Labor Day weekend which meant several cookout invitations. I tried to keep it clean, but I did have a slice of cake and a few chips. And my hamburger bun was of the white variety, but what gives anyway, right?
Don’t forget to check back here tomorrow, where I’ll be posting Workout #2 of the Workout Stick series. It’s a full-body workout this time, so get ready to work everything!

Weekly Workout Rundown

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  • 30 min AM LiveFit back and biceps
  • 30 min casual walk at lunch
  • 35 min AM LiveFit Legs
  • 15 min HIIT run
  • 25 min AM LiveFit shoulders and abs
  • Rest
  • Rest
Oh, you knew I couldn’t rest for 3 days in a row, didn’t you? And I just couldn’t give up running for four whole weeks, so I snuck some in. Nothing too dramatic, just a little 15 minute-er on Wednesday and some intervals on Saturday. Previously, if you remember, I was doing 5 mile runs (1 hour) on Saturdays, in addition to four weekdays of running. I just can’t quite give all of that up yet. What Jamie Eason says about the plan is that these four weeks without cardio are necessary for prepping the body to draw on its fat stores. If you’re a cardio queen, you’re probably pulling your energy from your muscle stores. I don’t remember reading anything quite like this in my NASM textbook, but I’m willing to give the program a shot (with a little bit of cheating built in) since it was created by a bodybuilding phenom.
I am beginning my third week on the plan now, and man is my body sore! It’s a good feeling though. I have never really worked on muscle hypertrophy with intent before. I always did strength training during the week, but never in such a focused way. My weight has just about stayed the same, but I have lost an inch in my waist and hips already. I’ve been sticking to the plan pretty strictly during the week, but I do have hiccups when it comes to the weekends. I do ok for breakfast and lunch, but dinner… We had a birthday party that went well into Saturday night and we had a potluck-style picnic. I’ll admit to a cupcake and a S’more, but they were so delish and part of the party requirements:)
There’s a free CrossFit class in my town this Saturday that I’m hoping to try as well. I’ve read a lot about CrossFit but have never actually attended a class. It will be good for me to see what it’s all about. Saturday is supposed to be a rest day, but we’ll just see about that.
Until next week…Cheers!