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Category: personal training

Boun-see on For the The Love of Kale

Hey there friends. I took a few days off to hang with my son on his Easter vacation. Unfortunately, I’ve spent more time sick and recovering in bed than being productive with my personal to-do list. I’ll be up-and-at-em soon, but I just wanted to share something that made me so happy…

Check it out! My interview with Bree Bond was featured over on the popular For the Love of Kale. I couldn’t be more proud!

Thanks for the shout out, Heather. I think the j’adore la vie idea rocks!
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter. Before I got sick, I enjoyed all the food and family visits (without any weight gain. Woot!). I was a little productive in designing a new planner for myself. Hopefully it all works out correctly and I can share it on here. I wanted a planner for recording workouts, blog posts, goals and family events. Oh, and I’m almost through reading the NASM textbook, so there’s that.
That’s all for now. Take care!

Personal Trainer Interview 3: Bree Bond

This personal trainer interview series has given me so much pleasure and insight already, that I can think of nothing better than to continue the series with my next interviewee, the lovely Bree Bond. She works both as an actress and an NASM-certified personal trainer.
In fact, if you want to train with Bree herself, online or in person (in the Los Angeles Area), you can contact her here:

“Every time I am a student, I leave being a better trainer.”

1. What was the driving force behind your decision to become a personal trainer?

Throughout my life I’ve dipped in and out of different sports, never really staying committed to any of them. Whether it was cheerleading, dance, gymnastics, soccer (didn’t even make it to my first practice haha), basketball (laughed out of tryouts) or track, I was never the most athletic child or even teenager at that but I never had any weight problems. Then my senior year of high school rolled around, and I became very self-conscious about my body. I was a junk food junkie and like I said, not very committed to any physical activity… It started to show. When I went to college I ended up gaining about 20 pounds and I was determined to get it off. I found Tone It Up and their nutrition plan changed my life. I started doing their online workouts and soon I found myself using what I was learning and creating workouts of my own and really enjoying the process of training and being active. I ended up losing 30 pounds and changing not just my body, but my entire life. God so lovingly used my situation in gaining weight to show me what I was passionate about: health, wellness and fitness. Getting my certification was really just the next step in advancing what I was already doing and gave me the ability to share my love with others.


2. How did you choose which personal training agency to certify with?


I asked around at several gyms, trainers I trusted, and did plenty of research. National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) was hands-down the winner for me and I am so thankful that’s the agency I went with. The test is harder than others (so I’ve heard) and I wouldn’t doubt it, because it was certainly a challenge. But I am thankful for the great education I received through it. About 90% of the gyms that I had applied for when I was first searching for a gym to work for asked me if I “had my NASM”, and some told me they wouldn’t hire a trainer if they didn’t. Whew. I highly recommend NASM to anyone looking to get their certification.


3. How did you prepare for the exam? Any tips, tricks, or best practices?


Read. Read. Read. Read. Flashcards. Notes. Repeat. I read my book close to 3 times and had skyscraper-sized piles of flashcards. I didn’t just memorize my flash cards though, I made notes on them about how the term or idea was applicable in real life training in a way that would help me not only remember it but actually know it. NASM has great online supplements like videos and online quizzes that I used also.


4. Did you take a personal training workshop? If so, how did it help you prepare for the exam?


I didn’t take any workshop, but I think it would have a been a great idea. You always learn so much from watching others.


5. I know you are also an actress. I’m interested in how acting and fitness might meld together. Will you be using your acting skills in the fitness world or vice versa?


I find that the two cross over perfectly sometimes. I have to be in good shape for acting and I have to be in great shape for training so that always goes hand-in-hand. I’ve gained a confidence because of personal training that I don’t think I had before and that’s helped me in my career as an actress. The fact that my job as a trainer is so flexible and I am so blessed to be able to work from home creating online plans for my incredible Instagram/Twitter followers is how I’m able to go on auditions whenever they pop up too. The two careers really complement each other and the people I get to work with and meet through both of the industries are awesome.


6. I am a Twitter follower of yours and can see you’ve built quite a following. How are you using the web/social media to build your online presence as a fitness professional?


Thanks for following 🙂 When I first made my Twitter and Instagram accounts, I had no intention of building a following. It was always just a personal account and it still is, but my personal life and professional life aren’t much different. I’ve “met” and developed relationships with the most amazing people through social media and I think that’s how I’ve built the following I have now. Investing in people, talking with them, answering questions and just being passionate about what I do. Nothing is ever forced or a “follow me” competition. I pray everyday that God will use me to spread the glory and love of Jesus Christ and I think that he’s just chosen this platform for me. I can’t take any of the credit honestly. I’m just really grateful for where He’s brought me and the people He has put in my life through social media and outside of it because of fitness.


7. Any health and fitness resources/research publications that you read daily or recommend? How else do you keep up with PT trends?


I wouldn’t say I keep up with PT “trends”, I’m not into fitness trend-hopping. There is nothing that will get you results like moving more, eating healthy/whole foods, lifting things, running, sweating, smiling and loving yourself. I love Tone It Up to motivate the hell out of you, Blogilates when coffee just doesn’t perk you up enough, @StuftMama to make you laugh and realize we’re all awesome, capable human beings, Livestrong.com for info on tons of things, DailyHIIT for intense home workouts, @HeatherWaxman when you need a little love, @PowerCakes when you need some inspo or food ideas and @BreeLovesBeauty for breath of fresh air. And if you creep through my Instagram followers you’ll find really awesome people too. I could go on and on about how many inspiring and cool people there are. I also just pay attention to what people are posting about. I’m always learning what’s going on in the fitness world by just paying attention to what people are doing and what they’re saying about it.


8. These days, there are a variety of places/ways to train—at a studio, in homes, in offices, and even online. What has your personal training experience been like? Or where do you see this certification taking you?


When I first got certified, I was just at home in Houston training my friends and myself. I didn’t have clients haha! I moved to Los Angeles and immediately started looking for a job. I got hired at a gym and started training there. I loved my clients, LOVED, but the gym environment I was in wasn’t for me. I ended up leaving that gym and realized I had been given something huge with my following on Instagram and Twitter, so I just put the idea out there and asked them what they thought about online training and I had a great response. I have a few people that I’ve met that I train in person and I love doing that, but until I meet more people, that part of my business is slower compared to online trainees. I never ever saw my certification taking me where it has today, so I’m not sure if I can even say where I see it taking me in the future! Again, God is in full control. He always comes up with better ideas than I do anyway, so I just like to leave it up to Him 😉


9. What are your plans for using your certificate in the future? Any personal training goals for this year?


Ideally I’d love to just grow my business into whatever God has for it, keep loving on people, learning, challenging my clients and myself! I’d like to get certified in many other things, but that takes a lot of money haha. So while I am striving for that, I’m just trying my best to be faithful with what I’ve been given today. I think the next certification I’d like to get is Corrective Exercise Specialist. So many people, including myself, suffer from chronic pain and injuries and it’s such a frustrating thing to live with. I’d love to help people be free from their physical limitations and I can probably make that certification happen by the end of the year. I would love to study nutrition sometime in my life too, I think I am just as passionate about that aspect of health as I am the sweaty part of it. My next personal fitness goal is to get my pull ups! 🙂


10. Has your personal training experience influenced how you yourself workout now? If so, how?


Definitely! In fact, I think I worked out more when I wasn’t a trainer than I do now. And that’s not a bad thing. I was overtraining and I see now why I wasn’t getting the results I wanted. Educating myself on exercise progression, volume, intensity and all the other variables that come into play with training has improved the effectiveness of training myself. I’m always trying new workouts that I’ve designed before I put them on my girls’ plans too. I’d never ask them to do something that I couldn’t/wouldn’t do–unless they were just stronger than me and needed that challenge, which has happened 😉 I also love looking to other trainers now too. Everybody has so much insight and perspective in this industry and I love learning those things. I never want to be too proud to admit that I don’t know how to do a certain lift or answer a question. I love training at the gym I do because I’m constantly being humbled, challenged and learning. Every time I am a student, I leave being a better trainer.


11. What advice would you give to someone like me who is just starting out and studying for the CPT exam?


Do not wait until the last minute to study and study well. Like I said earlier, really focus on what you’re learning and how it’s applicable, not just memorizing a bunch of ideas and terms. Get up from your desk and do the moves, try out what you’re learning and enjoy the process. You’ll never be finished learning, so just keep that in mind and use your better judgment about everything you read or what someone tells you. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.     Thanks so much for your insight, Bree! I look forward to seeing what the future holds for you in both acting and personal training. Your positive energy and attitude certainly radiate through your posts and words. It was a pleasure doing this interview with you!

Personal Trainer Interview 3: Sarah Loranger

Sarah Loranger just passed her personal training test last week. *High fives* all around! Since she’s a brand new personal trainer, I thought she could give us a unique perspective from someone who is just starting out and fresh off the hot-testing-seat. She is also a Tone It Up member, which is how I actually met her.

Thanks so much for being with us Sarah and for sharing your fresh insight!

“My main goals this year are to learn as much as possible working in the fitness industry and inspire as many people as I can!”

1. What was the driving force behind your decision to become a personal trainer?

During college I gained about 20 pounds. I knew I had to do something so I bought a few workout DVDs and instantly fell in love with working out. I loved the challenge of making my body stronger and the feeling of accomplishing workouts. I wanted to turn my passion for working out into a career of helping and inspiring others.

2. How did you choose which personal training agency to certify with?

I Googled a bunch of different certifications and talked to a few personal trainers I knew and they recommended ACE.

3. How did you prepare for the exam? Any tips, tricks, or best practices?

I studied a little bit every night after work. I would also study most of the weekends but give myself a day off. What helped me most was taking advantage of breaks at work. I would bring my study material with me and study on my fifteen minute breaks and during my lunch hour.

4. Could you give me an idea about what the testing day was like?
I always get nervous before exams but a friend told me to stay calm the day of the exam and visualize myself passing and starting my dream career. That helped a lot. The test went a lot quicker than I thought it would. Seeing PASS at the end was one of the best feelings ever!

5. How are you using the web/social media to build your online presence as a fitness professional?

I mostly use Twitter to try to motivate my followers. I also have a Facebook page where I post health-related articles and motivational pictures. I eventually want to start filming workout videos to post on YouTube/Facebook/Twitter.

6. Any health and fitness resources/research publications that you read daily or recommend? How else do you keep up with PT trends?

I love the articles on Fitsugar.com and Shape.com. I also love ToneItUp.com for workouts/recipes. I would like to get a subscription to Women’s Health and Shape magazine soon.

7. These days, there are a variety of places/ways to train—at a studio, in homes, in offices, and even online. Where do you see this certification taking you?

I am going to be applying to several gyms soon. I think that will be the best place to start my fitness career to gain experience and learn more about the industry. A friend of mine is taking her personal training exam sometime soon and we are planning to start our own business together in the future. With the ACE certification it is required to have 20 hours continuing education every two years so I will get my Group Fitness Instructor certification next.

8. What are your plans for using your certificate in the future? Any personal training goals for this year?

My plan is to motivate/inspire/help others to achieve their weight loss goals and live healthier happier lifestyles. I also want to start my own business with my friend within the next few years. My main goals this year are to learn as much as possible working in the fitness industry and inspire as many people as I can!

9. What advice would you give to someone like me who is just starting out and studying for the CPT exam?

Keep your goal in mind and take advantage of any free time you have. Use that time to study-and workout of course 😉

Thanks so much Sarah! Congratulations on passing your exam and good luck to you in your future in the fitness business. I look forward to seeing that pretty face on YouTube!

For more personal trainer insight, check out my interview with:
Erica House
Tamara Treu

Personal Trainer Interview 2: Tamara Treu

In this second installment of my personal trainer interviews (read #1 here), I sought the advice of local trainer Tamara Treu, whom I have personally trained with. She teaches a boot camp-style class at lunch at work. The sessions leave you with that so sore-in-a-good-way feeling every time because they’re always completely different and progressively harder. Tamara also owns her own personal training business in town, so I thought she would have great perspective on the real-life business of training. I was right! She offers some excellent insight.


“When I started my own business I didn’t really know what to expect. Since then, I’ve found that the most important thing is truly caring about your clients.”

Thanks for being here, Tamara! Take it away:
1. What was the driving force behind your decision to become a personal trainer?
Working out was always a hobby of mine, and I love the saying “if you do what you love, you won’t have to work a day of your life,” so I set out to do what I love. At the same time, I also wanted to help people with their weight loss goals, because I know all too well how it feels to be uncomfortable in your own skin. Being a trainer is incredibly rewarding. I love watching my clients transform.
2. How did you choose which personal training agency to certify with?
For me that part was relatively easy. My mom is also a certified personal trainer and she got certified through ISSA. She had no complaints and was already familiarized with the company. I trusted her recommendation.
3. How did you prepare for the exam? Any tips, tricks, or best practices?
Well it helps to enjoy what you are studying! I set a side an hour every day to read and study. I made sure to do the practice exam and all the quizzes, but most importantly I applied the info to my own life. I tried new moves in the gym, designed workout programs for friends, and started using “trainer terminology” in day-to-day conversation.
4. Could you give me an idea about what the testing day was like?
For me it was just exciting because I knew I had completed what I set out to do! And FYI, it is only one of many tests you will need to take. In order to maintain your certification, 20 credits of continuing education every 2 years is required. I just finished my certification in Self Defense this month!
5. How are you using the web/social media to build your online presence as a fitness professional?
Facebook is probably the most convenient means of networking, and a website is a must! But other than that I let my clients success speak for themselves! I don’t do much advertising. My clients are almost always recommended by word of mouth.
6. Any health and fitness resources/research publications that you read daily or recommend? How else do you keep up with PT trends?
I’m addicted to Oxygen magazine and FitnessRx, I follow other successful fitness professionals on Facebook, and the required CEU’s help to keep me updated as well. The other thing that probably helps the most is having a group of “friends in iron” as i like to call them. Others who share the same passion for fitness. We bounce ideas off each other and challenge one another to try new things. Last summer I tried Crossfit for the first time with a friend and loved it! Things like that keep my profession fun!
7. These days, there are a variety of places/ways to train—at a studio, in homes, in offices, and even online. I know you own and operate a training center in town and lead corporate workout sessions. What has your personal training experience been like? How did you go about building up such a great clientele?
I started off training in a gym which I would recommend all new trainers do. You can learn a lot about the business side of training while working in a gym and I also learned a lot from being able to shadow other trainers before I got my real start. When I started my own business I didn’t really know what to expect. Since then, I’ve found that the most important thing is truly caring about your clients. There needs to be a relationship deeper than just being the one counting their reps. People usually struggle with their weight or health on an emotional level. It’s part of the trainers job to help that person find the root cause of the problem.
8. What are your plans for using your certificate in the future? Any personal training goals for this year?
Currently I’m really happy with were I am. Eventually I’d like to expand my business somehow, but for now I’m just staying focused on my current clients as well as my own health and fitness. My goal for the year is to have all my clients reach their goals! I am going to continue my practice of self defense and will introduce that into my business as well.
9. What advice would you give to someone like me who is just starting out and studying for the CPT exam?
Have fun with it, don’t stress, and stay healthy and strong!!
Thanks so much for your insight Tamara! If you’re in the Fox Valley area, check out Tamara’s personal training.

Personal Trainer Interview 1: Erica D. House

Since I have decided to become a personal trainer, I thought it would be wise to pick the brain of some other personal trainers out there to glean some insight about the certification process and any helpful insider tips they’d like to share. I also thought that doing interviews on my blog might benefit any other readers out there who have any interest in becoming personal trainers themselves.
So, without further ado, meet my first guest, Erica House from EricaDHouse.com. She is a psychology instructor, ACSM personal trainer, and a certified intuitive eating counselor. She’s a fitnesss professional with her own personal weight loss story. Take it away Erica:
1. What was the driving force behind your decision to become a personal trainer?
I lost 50 pounds a few years ago and became the ‘go to’ person people asked for fitness and nutrition advice. I realized that I loved helping other people reach their goals and I knew from being a college professor that I enjoyed teaching so personal training seemed like the best of both worlds!
2. How did you choose which personal training agency to certify with?
I had friends that worked in the industry and I asked them which certifications were the best to go with. The two I routinely heard were ACSM and NASM. I went with ACSM because it is the one I found my local gyms to prefer, but I have heard that both are the ‘gold standard’ in personal training.
3. How did you prepare for the exam? Any tips, tricks, or best practices?
I studied for the exam for one month. I had taken an anatomy and physiology class for fun a few months prior (because I’m a huge dork) and had a good background already in the nutrition side of things so I was able to prepare in a shorter time than suggested (which is usually at least 3 months.) I purchased the study guides and reviewed them for a few hours a day before and after work. I read through the chapters, created an outline for each one, and flashcards for the major terms/concepts. That took a few weeks and the last week I spent re-reading everything I created until I just couldn’t take seeing it anymore!
4. Could you give me an idea about what the testing day was like?
I lucked out and was able to take my exam at my place of employment (a university.) I arrived at the testing center and they took my purse and cell and sat me at an isolated computer area. The exam was all online and I finished in about half the time allowed. I was beyond nervous and the moment the test was over and I saw that I passed I was elated!
5. I know you are a psychology professor—I was a psych minor myself. I’m interested in how fitness and psychology might meld together. Is there anything you’ve learned about the brain or human behavior/motivations that would help in a personal training setting?
There is SO much overlap between the two fields. I teach a drugs and behavior course where I lecture on how to set SMART goals, a topic covered heavily in the ACSM exam. I also lecture on motivation and learning new behaviors in General Psychology and those concepts of forming new healthy habits are important when trying to engage new clients.
6. How are you using the web/social media to build your online presence as a fitness professional?
I actually started my blog with the idea that I would do in-person Health/Wellness counseling. I envisioned the blog being a way to recruit new clients and I didn’t expect that the blog itself would become the main focus! I now see my PT cert as a way to lend credibility to the writing I do in the health/fitness industry and I’m actually finally starting to work as a trainer locally next month.
7. Any health and fitness resources/research publications that you read daily or recommend? How else do you keep up with PT trends?
Every morning I check out Blisstree, Huffington Post Healthy Living and NPR Health Shots to look at the health news for the day. I love learning about the latest nutrition trends or fitness craze and I’ll save the best articles I come across to share with my followers on twitter throughout the day.
8. These days, there are a variety of places/ways to train—at a studio, in homes, in offices, and even online. What has your personal training experience been like? Or where do you see this certification taking you?
My first experience personal training will start in a few weeks at a local facility. I don’t anticipate ever training clients in their homes. I thought about it and the idea of having to travel and lug the equipment around didn’t appeal to me. I may offer online PT at some point in the future but I really like the idea of doing it face-to-face for now.
9. What are your plans for using your certificate in the future? Any personal training goals for this year?
My primary goal is to start my first PT job and learn as much as I can about the field to best serve my clients! I know what types of workouts I prefer (running, barre, circuit training) and I’m hoping to learn many other types (TRX, spin, …) as I anticipate many clients being interested in things I don’t have an extensive knowledge of (yet!)
10. What advice would you give to someone like me who is just starting out and studying for the CPT exam?
Start early! Set up a specific schedule for how much you’d like to have accomplished in a week and give yourself a bit of extra time still for those weeks where life just gets too hectic to stay on track. Also, spend some time researching online what your specific exam will be like and the experiences others had with taking it.
***Thanks so much for your insight Erica! I plan on using these tips as I head out on my own journey. If you haven’t checked out Erica’s fitness blog yet, you need to!   

Stay tuned for the next installment of these Personal Trainer Interviews. My next guest is a local trainer whom I’ve personally trained with and who owns her own studio in town. If you have any other burning questions you’d like answered, let me know and I’ll try to incorporate them into future interviews. Leave a comment here or tweet me @StarBasil.

Big Announcement

It’s official! I’ve purchased all the supplies to become an NASM certified personal trainer. I’m super excited. The materials are on their way and this is going to happen, because I’m finally going to make it happen.

Mantra Post, Sidewalk Chalk Mantra

I don’t have any plans of quitting my day job. This certification is something that I’ve been dying to have for a long time. I’m doing it for my own health, personal enrichment, expanded knowledge, more clout as a health and fitness writer, and perhaps online personal training down the road. I’m toying with the idea of getting a second job as a PT at a gym, but I’ll cross that bridge later.

This was an impulsive, yet planned, buy that I know I won’t regret. I will be entering a new decade of life in about 6 months (exactly the amount of time I have to take the PT test), and I wanted to do something big to take me running strong into this next decade. I kept thinking about how you never regret things you try, but you do regret things you never tried. I am not going to regret anything this time.

I’m so excited to take you along for the ride. I’ll keep you posted on progress, testing tips, workshop updates, and how it’s all going. In the meantime, I can hardly stand the wait until those books get here!