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Category: budget-friendly workouts

Tips for Running with Your Dog

Meet my running partner, Titus. He is a Staffordshire Terrier who likes to sleep under the covers. He is the best running partner ever because he:


1. Is always ready for a run. Only ice in his paws will slow him down (he’s short haired, so winter runs are not ideal). I don’t need to set a date and time. He’s there. He’s ready.

2. Always keeps pace with me. I am never running too fast or too slow for Titus. I have pretty short legs, so 5mph works for both of us.

3. Gives us both a reason to exercise. I am a proponent of Caesar Milan’s advice about exercising your dog. If we can both pump out 3 miles at once, we’ll both feel better afterwards.

4. Makes me feel safe in grittier neighborhoods. No one messes with the pit bull.

5. Except those tiny little people that approach asking to pet him. I just love that!

6. Gives me a bicep workout at the same time. Titus, leave the squirrels alone! But really, guiding him with the leash is a good arm challenge. Look at him. He’s meaty!

7. His happy energy wears off on me. When he sees the running shoes get tied and the leash come out of the basket, he gets downright giddy. It makes me feel a little more excited about running too.

8. Won’t roust up the cat as much when he’s tired. Milan knows that that a tired dog is an obedient dog.

Titus has accompanied us in 5K races and trail hikes. He’s a great sport. I think this is the reason he hasn’t even come close to showing his age yet. He’s 8 (going on 9 in August) and he’s still a solid block of muscle with some sprightly puppy energy still inside him.
If you’re thinking of running with your pup, here are some things to consider:
Will your dog run beside you? If you have a dog that takes you for a walk, you might consider some training to make him a better running partner. Titus stays at my side, so I am never at his mercy. Except when a squirrel crosses right in front of him, but see my comment about built-in bicep work above.
What breed is your dog? It is absolutely necessary that you do some research to make sure that your breed is suited for running. Do not try to run a 10k with a bulldog! Titus is well-suited for brisk, shorter runs. Perfect!
Is he ready to run? Even if you’ve found a breed that is built to run, you still need to build up their endurance just like you built up yours. And check with his doctor just like you checked with yours.

How far are you going? Titus and I usually go 3 miles tops. Any longer than that (or on hot days), and you should probably bring along water for both of you and a collapsible water dish along the lines of this. If the dog is lagging or showing signs of exhaustion, do not push him! It is also best to go when temperatures and sun are not at their peak. We both find that 60 to 70 degrees is pretty ideal for a run.

Where are you running? Be mindful that your dog is not wearing shoes to guard his feet from broken glass, sharp rocks, frostbite or burning-hot pavement. Titus is used to running on sidewalk and trails, which are my normal running routes. Just make sure to keep Bowser’s feet in mind.
What type of leash do you have? I find that a leash that is long enough to allow me to pump my arms and maintain good form, but short enough to keep the dog near my side, is just perfect.

Try not to make running with your dog too difficult though. A doggie workout buddy is ideal because they barely require any fancy gear or training. That’s what makes running with him so great!
I don’t have any advice on what to do with those #2 bags while you’re running. They’re gross and they flop about and make it hard to, well, run. There are other disadvantages, but this is not the place to list them:) If you have any good tips for running with poo or if you’ve invented the perfect disposable bag system, please let me know! I’m in desperate need of something…anything!

Family Fitness Lately

Today was a doozy of a fitness day. I’m taking these extra pounds I recently put on and showing them where to shove it, you know, family-friendly style. Family fitness happens to be one of my favorite things. Usually, the calorie-burning just happens as a result of us doing some of the family activities we enjoy, especially with the record-breaking weather we’ve been having here in Wisconsin this week.

The day started with a long bike ride around the neighborhood.

Here’s daddy bike, mommy bike and baby bike, in case Goldilocks wanted to try them out. Peanut didn’t actually ride his little bike. He road in the child seat on the back of daddy’s bike, but he wanted to get his bike out when we got home for the pretty picture. And look, his bike matches his child seat!

Our bikes, Daddy bike, mommy bike, baby bike
Later in the afternoon, my workplace sponsored an employee open house at our local YMCA. Peanut got to try out these new ice skate-clad feet for the first time. He kept saying he just wanted to go in the pool, but I think he actually liked his first try out on the ice.

Um, seriously, I didn’t notice this until now, but there is definitely a Goldilocks theme going on here. Daddy, mommy and baby ice skates.
Then, it was on to the pool. It was nice to have the place practically to ourselves without having to fight the usual crowds at the Y family pool.
In fact, there was hardly anyone waiting in line for the slide, so Peanut rode it and rode it and rode it.

Guess whose snores I can hear from the other room as I sit typing this? Oh, it didn’t take long. We tuckered him out. And we tuckered ourselves out too.
Oh yeah. And in between all these festivities, I snuck in a Youtube Tracy Anderson rebounder workout…in the dining room. Because, you know, you can’t see the computer screen when the bright sun is shining on it. She’s really hard to follow, and provides no verbal direction, but as long as you’re kind of doing what she’s doing, you’ll feel it the next day. Trust me. Warning: high jumps on the trampoline are not for the faint of bladder. I do not have a weak bladder, but even I found myself thinking an extra Kegel or two would be beneficial. The workout is definitely a sweat-inducing one. And the trampoline happens to be one of our family favorites too. In fact, I had to bribe Peanut to be able to use it for the half-hour workout. 

With the way we’ve been training, we probably could’ve signed up for a triathlon instead of a measly 5k, right?

Best Free Online Workout Videos

As you know, I was completely devastated to have found out that ExerciseTV was discontinued. Is that what you’d call it, discontinued? I prefer to call it an act of abandonment. Anyway, I would like to share with you some free quality online exercise options that I have found in my voracious quest for a replacement.

1. Exercise.com: the videos here do not offer the same type of interactive experience as ExerciseTV offered, but you’ll still get one heck of a workout. A model will guide you through an exercise for a certain number of repetitions. Sometimes the video just replays a few times to get to the proper number of repetitions. The workout sessions just go from one move to the next. That’s ok with me, because I’m not very good at building on dance moves to form a complete routine. But believe me, I was a hurtin’ the next day.

2. Blogilates and POP Pilates: Cassey Ho’s story is a very inspirational one. She went to school for Biology to pursue the medical degree her parents wanted for her. In college, she started teaching Pilates and fell in love with it. Her blog, fitness accessory line, and YouTube channel have become quite popular. I think it’s great that she offers an extensive number of free Pilates classes online for anyone to access. And these aren’t your traditional Pilates classes; each is filled with a whole different set of innovative moves you probably haven’t tried before. Cassey’s upbeat, down-to-earth, sometimes-goofy attitude endear you to her from the first move. Her and her sister do most of the video recording themselves!

I tried this standing Pilates workout from the Pop Pilates channel this weekend. You might like it too:

Hopefully I can come back with even more free quality workout videos in my search. Stay tuned!

Letter to ExerciseTV

Dear ExerciseTV,

Please don’t go!

I went to your site yesterday and saw this:

I am in complete denial that this is true, so please tell me that I am seeing things. Is there a petition I can sign or something? This is the biggest travesty to the fitness community that I could ever imagine. Such a shame.
Yours truly,
Avid ExerciseTV user
P.S. to my readers, you can buy a few of their workouts for download for only $1.00. It’s like the Dollar Store of workout videos, only the quality of the product is much more savory. Best buck ever spent. And I’m really excited to do this workout tonight. At least there are still some free workout videos out there. If you know of any others out there, please let me know.

Cutting the Cable

I don’t know what I’m going to do when we have to cancel our three-month trial of our extra cable channels. We originally got the extras specifically for FitTV (now called Fit & Health), by my request. And at around $5 for the first few months, it’s soooo worth it!

Now I don’t know what’s going on with FitTV these days, but I seem to remember seeing a lot more workouts than there are now. Anyhow, I had to wait two full days before there were any actual workout videos playing after work. I got all suited up and into position, ready to change the channel promptly at 5:00. “FitTV is currently unavailable.” Excuse me?

I was not a satisfied customer when the only channel on the whole tube that I care about was currently unavailable. My husband saw the look on my face and dutifully started dialing. The fastest they could send a technician was on the weekend. After several unsatisfactory phone transfers, the lady on the line pointed us to ExerciseTV On Demand. Oh brother!

Handfuls and handfuls of fitness videos I can turn on as I please? I don’t have to do the same workout twice? Hallelujah! Those videos I bought a month ago will be collecting dust for three months because I won’t waste them (and risk growing tired of them faster) until On Demand is gone. Believe you me I am going to squeeze every last drop of potential out of those channels until our time is up.

Disc Golf

So, I’m thinking about adding this sport to my summer workout/entertainment repertoire. I’ve never played the game, but it seems quite enjoyable and of course, cheap. Something the whole family can participate in while enjoying the outdoors. And apparently there are several courses within only a few miles of my home. Who knew?

I’ve been exploring several other obscure activities this year. My husband and I took in a roller derby game a few months ago. I never even knew that game existed until I had a friend who joined a team. I don’t think I’ll be joining a team myself anytime soon though. I’m not sure I’m ready for those “interesting” uniforms.

I’m also considering letterboxing or geocaching. I probably would have fallen in love with these ventures as a kid, so I think it would be neat to treat my son to an adventure.

Have you ever tried disc golf, and what did you think? Are there any other “out there” fitness activities you’ve tried or considered?

I am 26, but feel like I’m 20.3

Take the RealAge(r) test at the Realage website to see how old your body is in terms of how you take care of it, how healthy you are, and other contributing factors. I am happy to say, I am feeling 6 years younger today.

After you take the test, you can find out what’s making you younger and older. There are Health, Habits, Relationships, Diet and Fitness recommendations you can follow to help improve your score. It’s amazing what flossing, drinking red wine with dinner, and owning a dog can do for your body! But it also told me to buy that silver SUV we’ve been looking at (larger vehicles provide more protection and apparently silver vehicles are 50% less likely to be involved in serious accidents. Who knew?) I don’t know if we can swing that since unemployment checks don’t fly as income.

Here’s something else I had a sneaky suspicion about. The quiz results say I work out TOO MUCH. It says, “In fact, your workout is at the level of an athlete” and then offers strategies to slow down a little bit. I’ve programmed myself to find exercise opportunities in all those extra daily minutes, like one segment of the 10-minute Solution DVD before work, then walk to work, walk briskly with a friend at lunch, walk home, and fit in a more intense workout and strength sessions MWF, and then sneak in a few more walks and workouts on the weekend. I loathe sitting around, what can I say?

But it seemed like after I had my baby, breastfed, and walked slowly with him, weight fell off my body faster than it ever did before. Perhaps less is more.

It’s kind of funny, because after a health assessment at work one time, the nurse insisted that I get more exercise. I repeated how much I worked out several times and she kept saying I needed to do more. I just rolled my eyes. I always knew it was the food holding me back, not the exercise.

I also learned from the quiz that my target heart rate for working out is about 194 (220-age). I think I’ll try to keep track of this tomorrow and request a heart rate monitor for Christmas:)

Skimp Your Way Thin

You hardly need to spend anything to get fit. If this is your excuse, you can’t use it anymore. Motivation is probably the biggest stumbling block of all. But money should not matter.

I am the queen of working out on a budget. I am also the type of person (Gemini?) who gets very bored very easily with workouts. I need something different all the time that doesn’t cost me anything. It sounds impossible to please me, but it is not. For eight solid years, I had and loyally used my gym membership, but due to recent money constraints and logistics, I had to quit. I was really worried I wouldn’t be able to work out at home, but it has actually worked out quite nicely and I have been able to maintain my faithful habit. The only hurdles I have at home are a 1-1/2-year-old who enjoys sitting on me during ALL floor exercises and a pup who sometimes compromises my form by getting underfoot. Oh, and the dishes and other distracting messes, but I’ve learned to hold off until after my workout.

Here is my list of budget-friendly workout helpers:

1. I have rummaged, thrifted and craigslist-ed my way to a stocked workout video collection. I don’t think I’ve paid more than $1.00 for a used workout video. You can never predict what you’re going to find, so you have to practice being open-minded when going the second-hand route.

2. I also got a sweet treadmill for just $100 at a rummage sale. We have gotten WAY more than our money’s worth.

3. A $2 thrift store stair stepper is great for step aerobics and also works as a makeshift weight bench for chest presses, leg lifts and all sorts of other exercises.

4. I have a $1 jump rope that gives one of the best workouts ever. I compiled a list of jumps to try on my sparkpeople blog.

5. I got some inexpensive weights at the store. A 5lb and 8lb set will do for a lot of women. I found my husband found some 15 pounders on craigslist for $15.

6. I have magazine subscriptions to Self and Shape Magazines, which cost something like $12 each for a full year. I have hundreds of workouts pulled from these magazines, and filed away by workout type, that I can always turn to. At best, you can log on to these or other health-related magazines’ websites to learn something or print workouts. Self has some really good workout videos you can follow along with as well. As a side note, Self Magazine was one of the first major health motivators for me way back in 2000. The upbeat, anyone-can-do-it attitude really got me revved to start a fitness program.

7. If you’ve heard it from me before, you’ll hear it from me again. Sparkpeople is one of the best free health sites I have ever come across. Here you can log workouts, log what you eat, and look up health articles on almost any topic. There are health calculators, health calendars, community forums and so many things I can’t even list.

8. Free workout videos in a variety of different practices and time limits are provided by exercise TV. Also Yoga Today provides a free hour-long Yoga workout every day and offers over 200 downloadable videos for cheap.

9. The library is a rich resource for workout videos, health books, healthy cookbooks and more for free. Or check out their CD selection for fresh workout music.

10. Check out your local video store as well. We have a local one where educational videos, which includes workout videos, are free to rent.

11. For parents, playgrounds offer a really nice workout opportunity that allows you to play like a kid again. Do a Google search for playground workouts to find something like this.

12. A good pair of running shoes provides plenty of workout hours, whether you prefer free local trails, the sidewalk, the treadmill, or the track.

13. For around $300 each, my husband and I each bought a kayak. We have definitely gotten our money’s worth out of these too. We barely have to plan when we want to go out for a row and we can drop them in the water almost anywhere that’s open to the public. For the cost and the experience in nature, it sure beats slaving away in the gym!

14. I also recommend a set of stretch tubing and a fitness ball. For around $10-$15 each, you get more workout options than you can imagine for your money. If you’re lucky like me, you might happen upon these at a rummage sale or inside a workout DVD itself for even less!

Home gym Complete!