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Category: boun-see balls

Good Eats: Chicken Salad for Lunch

I don’t normally get very excited about my work lunches. True confession, I’ve been known to bring a sodium-laden Lean Gourmet a time or two (per week, eek!) to work. Mostly I bring the previous night’s leftovers. Most days, it’s almost like a plug-your-nose-and-swallow type of reaction. Sad, I know. However, a few weeks ago, I prepared three days’ worth of chicken salad. And even though that is not very exciting, it was something I don’t normally prepare and I really liked it.

Here’s a picture of my lunch on my cubicle desk. This is what I like to call real life food photography. Ha!

Chicken Salad

The best part is, most of the ingredients for this entire plate came from Aldi’s, so the cost is literally pennies. I also think this would be a great way to take care of any leftover chicken or turkey you might have.

This is how I made it: I mixed about 10 ounces of shredded chicken breast (leftover from a restaurant chicken dinner) with a few Tbsp of mayo. Some recipes call for relish, but I’m not a fan, so I chopped up three dill sandwich slices and mixed them in. Then I mixed in about 1Tbsp of sliced almonds for a nice crunch. I didn’t have any onions on-hand, but if I did, I would’ve thrown in a handful. The second time I made this, I threw in a handful of dried cranberries and snipped chives. Experiment! Makes around three servings.

And yes, that’s a hot dog bun. It was whole wheat and the last lone bun we had in the house, so I didn’t want it to go to waste. Trying to practice sustainability, ya know:)

Don’t quote me on this, but this is a rough estimate of the nutritional value of one serving of chicken salad on a wheat hot dog bun (according to the Sparkpeople nutrition tracker):

Calories: 270
Carbs: 23
Fat: 16 (note to self: use fat-free mayo next time)
Protein: 10

Good Eats: Easy Chicken Dinner

We had a few chicken breasts to grill up a few nights ago, but I wanted to make them a tad more interesting than just serving them alone. So, I served the chicken over a bed of spinach, topped with a serving of salsa. We had sweet potato fries as a side dish. What an easy, healthy, no-fuss dinner that tasted great. My favorite kind!


Gym Hair: Side Bun with a Twist

Do you ever get bored of just wearing your hair in a ponytail for the gym? Well, I do, so as I’m testing out some new gym styles, I thought I’d share what do’s hold up after some pretty intense workouts. Lately I’ve been running HIIT intervals for 40 minutes followed by at least 20 minutes of strength training, to give you an idea of what these hairstyles have to withstand.

This first style was a side twist braid, tucked into a side ponytail. Then, the ponytail was shaped into a messy side bun.

Here are the before pictures:


gym hair-side braid
And here are the after pictures:

The hairdo mostly stayed intact, but the bun could’ve used a few extra bobby pins and spritzes of hairspray.
I will definitely be using this hairstyle again with a few tweaks. It’s so much fun to experiment and change up my style a little bit. It’s especially important to keep my long mane off my back as the temperatures keep rising.

Good Healthy Eats: Better Banana Split

We eat bananas a lot at our house. And peanut butter. Our Peanut loves both, so we make extra certain to keep a regular supply of them. However, bananas get a little boring in their completely natural state, don’t they?

So, I decided to play with the banana a little bit. The results: mmmmmmm mmmm! You’ll never miss the ice cream! And I don’t say that lightly. I’m an ice cream fanatic. And let me tell you: this was sooo much better (and healthier) without the ice cream.

Set 1 banana on a plate. Microwave 1Tbsp peanut butter for 30 seconds. Drizzle over the top of the banana. Spray with cool-whip-in-a-can. Grate leftover Easter bunny chocolate over the top. Garnish with maraschino cherries to make it even tastier. Serve with a side of almonds.


Don’t tell anyone, but I totally had this for dinner one night. It was like eating only dessert for supper. It was sooooo good!
Again, all supplies can be found at Aldi’s, making this a cost- and health-friendly treat. Fruit for dessert anyone?

Tips for Running with Your Dog

Meet my running partner, Titus. He is a Staffordshire Terrier who likes to sleep under the covers. He is the best running partner ever because he:


1. Is always ready for a run. Only ice in his paws will slow him down (he’s short haired, so winter runs are not ideal). I don’t need to set a date and time. He’s there. He’s ready.

2. Always keeps pace with me. I am never running too fast or too slow for Titus. I have pretty short legs, so 5mph works for both of us.

3. Gives us both a reason to exercise. I am a proponent of Caesar Milan’s advice about exercising your dog. If we can both pump out 3 miles at once, we’ll both feel better afterwards.

4. Makes me feel safe in grittier neighborhoods. No one messes with the pit bull.

5. Except those tiny little people that approach asking to pet him. I just love that!

6. Gives me a bicep workout at the same time. Titus, leave the squirrels alone! But really, guiding him with the leash is a good arm challenge. Look at him. He’s meaty!

7. His happy energy wears off on me. When he sees the running shoes get tied and the leash come out of the basket, he gets downright giddy. It makes me feel a little more excited about running too.

8. Won’t roust up the cat as much when he’s tired. Milan knows that that a tired dog is an obedient dog.

Titus has accompanied us in 5K races and trail hikes. He’s a great sport. I think this is the reason he hasn’t even come close to showing his age yet. He’s 8 (going on 9 in August) and he’s still a solid block of muscle with some sprightly puppy energy still inside him.
If you’re thinking of running with your pup, here are some things to consider:
Will your dog run beside you? If you have a dog that takes you for a walk, you might consider some training to make him a better running partner. Titus stays at my side, so I am never at his mercy. Except when a squirrel crosses right in front of him, but see my comment about built-in bicep work above.
What breed is your dog? It is absolutely necessary that you do some research to make sure that your breed is suited for running. Do not try to run a 10k with a bulldog! Titus is well-suited for brisk, shorter runs. Perfect!
Is he ready to run? Even if you’ve found a breed that is built to run, you still need to build up their endurance just like you built up yours. And check with his doctor just like you checked with yours.

How far are you going? Titus and I usually go 3 miles tops. Any longer than that (or on hot days), and you should probably bring along water for both of you and a collapsible water dish along the lines of this. If the dog is lagging or showing signs of exhaustion, do not push him! It is also best to go when temperatures and sun are not at their peak. We both find that 60 to 70 degrees is pretty ideal for a run.

Where are you running? Be mindful that your dog is not wearing shoes to guard his feet from broken glass, sharp rocks, frostbite or burning-hot pavement. Titus is used to running on sidewalk and trails, which are my normal running routes. Just make sure to keep Bowser’s feet in mind.
What type of leash do you have? I find that a leash that is long enough to allow me to pump my arms and maintain good form, but short enough to keep the dog near my side, is just perfect.

Try not to make running with your dog too difficult though. A doggie workout buddy is ideal because they barely require any fancy gear or training. That’s what makes running with him so great!
I don’t have any advice on what to do with those #2 bags while you’re running. They’re gross and they flop about and make it hard to, well, run. There are other disadvantages, but this is not the place to list them:) If you have any good tips for running with poo or if you’ve invented the perfect disposable bag system, please let me know! I’m in desperate need of something…anything!

Good Healthy Eating: Summer Salad

I decided I wanted to start playing with my food and make it fun and exciting again. With a husband who regularly makes hot dogs with mac and cheese, a girl just needs something a little, um, better. However, I’m a 5-ingredients-or-less, 15-minutes-or-less, health-conscious type of non-cook. I had a few ingredients, you know, just lying around, so I threw together this beautiful tomato salad.

Tomato Cucumber Summer Salad
I chopped up 1 carton multi-colored cherry tomatoes and cubed 1c cucumbers. I mixed in 1Tbsp feta cheese, 1 good spritz of olive oil over the top, and 2 snipped chive stems. Mix in a little black pepper, sea salt and a splash of vinegar if desired. Garnish with mint for presentation.
Did I mention that this was a pretty low-cost side dish? Almost all the ingredients came from either Aldi’s or my backyard! And the taste was so light and summer fresh. Can’t wait to make this for our next barbecue.
See the mint growing in the cracks?

The Importance of Fitness for Health and Recovery

Today, I proudly present a post from guest blogger David Haas, who has been studying and writing about the positive effects of an active lifestyle on cancer patients. David is a cancer support group and awareness program advocate at the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance. Take it away David…


When you are dealing with cancer or any other traumatic life occurrence, it might surprise you how much good exercise can do for you. Many people, when they are faced with challenges, want to hide and become very sedentary, but the truth is that in many cases, it is far better for you to stay active. Caring for Cancer states that fitness should be one of your highest priorities if you have cancer, so see what your options might be.

Get Some Advice

If you want to get fit while recovering from cancer, or if you find that fitness for mesothelioma treatment is one of your big goals, you should not start with no information. This is especially true if you are someone who is starting to exercise from a dead stop! If you are invested in making sure that you can start off with a fitness regimen that suits you, consult with your doctor and then see about working with a personal trainer. There are many people out there who find that having someone to guide them through the process helps them stay on top of things.

Right Time, Right Place

If you want to exercise, you need to make it part of your routine, and you will discover that in many cases, you need a special time and place for your exertions. Think about how you feel about working a gym into your routine. For example, are you someone who loves going to a class, or do you just want to head to the weight room to pump some iron? On the other hand, you might be someone who is devoted to simply working out on your own. Learning this about yourself can help you figure out what exercise regimen is right for you.

Get a Workout Buddy

Even if you are dealing with the easy tiring that comes with cancer treatment, you will find that in many cases, the thing that you have to beat is lethargy. Consider how you can make sure that you get off the couch and off to the gym or even out for a walk. Talk to a friend and ask them to keep you motivated. Whether you run on the treadmills side by side or you simply get each other to the gym before going off in your own directions, you will discover that this is something that can get you very motivated. Just be ready to return the favor if your workout buddy is having a rough day.

Have Fun!

If your primary memories of working out and getting fit all have to do with trauma and drama suffered in high school gym class, it can be tough to find the motivation to get fit. The truth is that now you are doing it because you want to do it. No one is forcing you, and there is no reason that exercise can’t be fun. Whether you are interested in a martial art or in rock climbing, you can now tailor your experience to be what you want it to be!

For example, how do you feel about performance? If you love the idea of getting up in front of others, why not consider a dance studio? On the other hand, if you are invested in making sure that you can take care of yourself, why not enroll in a martial art dedicated to self-defense?

Take a moment to consider where you want your health to be when it comes to general fitness and exercise. Find a program that works for you and then stick with it. No matter what your goals are, fitness is important.


Fitness Vision Board

Olympic athletes do it. Stylists do it. Walt Disney did it. Martha Stewart employees do it. Seems everyone’s using “vision board” to direct their focus and achieve their goals. Using Pinterest to make a vision board is also a great way to get new fitness and healthy recipe ideas.

This USA Today article has some fantastic tips for using Pinterest to get new fitness ideas. Find inspirational quotes, workouts for each part of the body, full fitness routines, and motivational images. The best tip: categorize the workouts by weekday and build an entire workout routine. We should all try this, sitting down on Sunday to plot out the week’s workouts on Pinterest.

Notice how I don’t have too many image-related pictures on my vision board. My body type is pretty different than most and I don’t want to get caught up in the whole image thing. Mostly, this for me is about feeling, striving, being and looking healthy.

On my Pinboard:

1. Cookie cutter fruit “lollipops.” Play with your food, my friends.

2. Jenn Shelton. The book Born to Run really introduced me to this fabulous runner. She runs ultra marathons that are like 50 to 100 miles!!!?!? And from what I’ve seen, she’s super fast, humble and unpretentious. And she used to study poetry. Love!

3. When You Lose Fat Chart: shows all the statistics about your body and how you reduce the chances of getting a myriad of medical problems by losing weight. If that isn’t motivation, I don’t know what is!

4. Healthy Sandwiches, Six Ways. Makes you look at so-called “diet” food in a whole new way. PB&J isn’t your only option, folks.

5. How to Run Diagram: I like to be cognizant of how I’m running so I can keep getting better, so this poster is a fine reminder.

6. Fruit Rainbow. Makes healthy food look fun, colorful, fresh, new and exciting. I think my Peanut would love these! (Hmmm, remind me about that on his birthday:)

7. Clear Your Mind. Go for a Run. This poster reminds me of how grrrrreat running makes me feel.

8. Fruit Smoothie in a Wine Glass: This picture got clipped off a bit. I just like that idea of serving a healthy “cocktail” of fruits in your finest glassware. Makes it seem like an indulgence rather than an obligation.

Check out this link from Shape Magazine about how Pinterest could change your life. I found this after I decided to do a post about vision boards, and it totally validates where I was going with this. Science is behind the “vision board” idea. Putting your goals in writing has always been a crucial step for actually accomplishing them. Putting your goals into concrete images takes you one step closer to fulfilling them. If you can actually visualize your goal, as in, know what they look like (taste like, feel like, etc), you’ll have a much clearer picture to work with and direct your attention toward.

The article even validates what I said above about not using too many image-related pictures. Adding images of perfect, tanned, airbrushed models is dangerous. Self-sabotage is not what we’re going for here.

What are you waiting for? Check out the Fitness eye-candy over on Pinterest. Or make an inspirational moodboard for other goals in your life with the same concepts in mind: financial, career-related, love-focused, food-minded, etc.

As they say over there, Happy Pinning!

Fitness On My Reading List

I picked up two health books on a recent trip to the library. Have I ever told you how much I love the library? Whenever I hear about a new book by Tracy Anderson or someone else of interest, I will often go reserve it online. It may take weeeeks, but hey, it’s free. And I’m ok with being a tad bit behind on the world’s reading pace.

This trip, I grabbed Naturally Thin by Bethenny Frankel and Fitness & Health by Brian Sharkey.


I have this fascination with becoming a certified personal trainer just so I know the science behind my workouts, not because I have a strong desire to start a new side business. When I found the Sharkey book, I knew that I had found what I was looking for. It looks like a textbook for an exercise physiology major. Yes, some of it is majorly boring, but I’m keying in on the stuff I really want to know about, like VO2 max and such. You’re never too old to learn stuff!

I also just made it through Frankel’s book (yes she has a prickly personality, but there’s just something about her inner drive and business savvy that’s admirable, am I right?), and here are my favorite quotes that stood out from her book:

The simple fact is that you don’t function normally if you constantly have to measure, count, restrict, and obsess over food” (p.7). I love this! It really puts things into perspective, doesn’t it? ‘Nuff said.

No food is fattening, in a small quantity” (p. 45). Nothing is off-limits. Yipee. Just don’t eat the whole cake in one sitting. I can do that!

Talking about and thinking about food constantly can result in eating more than you really need or want, just because food is on the brain” (p.61). So true! That’s why it’s so important to not make food such an obsession. Distract and reward yourself with non-food activities to start training your brain away from that connection. Food shouldn’t be such a worrisome thing.

Make food special…Taking a little extra time to make your meal special will help you to feel so much more satisfied and content with your food” (p. 59). This relates to my previous post about making memories around healthy food. Food should be meaningful, not just something we shove in our mouths in between typing emails at work (oops, guilty!). Growing your own ingredients, refining your own recipes, and “designing” your own meals makes food more friendly.

Let me narrow this all down: Make friends with food, but don’t follow it around like a stalker.

Ah, such sage advice from a former Desperate Housewife.

My Garden is My Diet

Some exciting delicious things are starting to pop up in the garden already. Namely, asparagus. Oh, and the chives and orange mint are completely ready for snipping. The asparagus stalks only shoot up a few at a time–just enough for mama to enjoy a delish egg scramble. And it took three long years of waiting to be able to snip any at all. The wait was long, so the gratification is so sweet.

I have vowed this year to put together some yummy recipes for all the vegetables we plan to grow. I hate to say it, but we end up wasting a lot of our fresh fare because, well, what do you do with all of that zucchini? We shredded a bunch of it and put it in the freezer. Left some in people’s cars, for real. But we could really do a better job eating from our yard. So, I’ve slowly been gathering tomato, zucchini and cucumber recipes so my toolbox is all ready come harvest time. No excuses!
Right now, I’m just enjoying the simple bounty of a few asparagus stalks here and there, mixed with Egg Beaters, snipped chives and whatever else is in the crisper. This time, it was mushrooms and yellow peppers. Then, I served myself with a side of turkey bacon and whole wheat toast. Oh yum!